키노트(Key Note) 「피아노와 함께하는 매주 수요 묵상」
"Seeth Me Seeth Him"
나를 보는 자는 나를 보내신 분을 보느니라.
And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.
나를 보는 자는 나를 보내신 이를 보는 것이니라.
When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.
- 요한복음 12 : 45
:: Credit
Song Writing 키노트(Key Note )
Piano 키노트(Key Note)
Mixing & Mastering 키노트(Key Note)
멜론뮤직 https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11604648
지니뮤직 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=85631798
벅스뮤직 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20673798?wl_ref=list_ab_01
바이브뮤직 https://vibe.naver.com/album/32161327
플로FLO https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/429311922/albumtrack
Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5