키노트(Key Note)「피아노와 함께하는 매주 수요 묵상」
"만왕의 왕 내 주께서"
그러나 그는 우리의 범법들로 인해 부상을 당하고 우리의 불법들로 인해 상하였노라. 그가 징벌을 받음으로 우리가 화평을 누리고 그가 채찍에 맞음으로 우리가 고침을 받았도다.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
그가 찔림은 우리의 허물 때문이요 그가 상함은 우리의 죄악 때문이라 그가 징계를 받으므로 우리는 평화를 누리고 그가 채찍에 맞으므로 우리는 나음을 받았도다.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
- 이사야 53 : 5 -
:: Credit
Song Writing 키노트(Key Note )
Piano 키노트(Key Note)
Recording Engineer Sean Huh
Mixing & Mastering 키노트(Key Note)
멜론뮤직 https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11051312
지니뮤직 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=82955898
벅스뮤직 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20491967?wl_ref=list_ab_01
바이브뮤직 https://vibe.naver.com/album/8008078
플로FLO https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/edyieeona/albumtrack
Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5