키노트(Key Note) 피아노와 「함께하는 매주 수요 묵상」
"The Right Hand, nor to the Left Hand"
곧 그들이 네게 가르칠 법의 판결에 따라 그들이 네게 알려줄 판결에 따라 행할 것이요, 그들이 네게 보여 줄 판결을 거부하고 오른쪽으로나 왼쪽으로나 치우치지 말지니라.
According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall shew thee, to the right hand, not to the left.
곧 그들이 네게 가르치는 율법의 뜻대로 그들이 , 네게 말하는 판결대로 행할 것이요 그들이 네게 보이는 판결을 어겨 좌로나 우로나 치우치지 말 것이니라.
Act according to the law they teach you and the decisions they give you. Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left.
-신명기 17 : 11-
:: Credit
Song Writing 키노트(Key Note )
Piano 키노트(Key Note)
Recording Engineer Sean Huh
Mixing & Mastering 키노트(Key Note)
멜론뮤직 https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=10982823
지니뮤직 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=82754734
벅스뮤직 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20473509?wl_ref=list_ab_01
바이브뮤직 https://vibe.naver.com/album/7595433
플로FLO https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/edhlezile/albumtrack
소리바다 https://www.soribada.com/music/album/KD0187076
Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5