Salt(솔트)/With My Song
Salt [With My Song]
봄을 실감하는 사람의 기쁨은 이루 말할 수 없습니다.
‘이 노래로’는 제 인생에 봄이 왔다는 영감으로 만들어졌습니다.
가사는 봄을 기다리던 사람처럼 노래를 하고 있고
시적으로 가사를 썼기 때문에 해석의 여지가 있는 작품이라 생각합니다.
음악적으로 헤매지 않도록 도움을 주신 최정규 선생님과 커버 디자인에 도움을 주신 양은연 교수님과 함께 미술을 배우던 학우들께 감사를 드리고,
곡을 작업하는 동안 만날 수 있었던 모든 분들께 감사를 표합니다.
곡이 나와서 감사하고 즐겁습니다.
Song Description /Album Planning Intent
Those who realize that spring has come would feel the joy they can’t stop expressing. Song ‘With This Song’ is motivated by the flow that spring has come into my life. The lyrics sing as if spring is someone I’ve missed. Because the lyrics are poetic, I think this song can be understood in different viewpoint.
Special thanks to Jung-Kyoo Choi who gave me guidelines so I would not get lost, also same goes to professor Eun-Young Yang and the students who gave me help on the album cover design while we took part in art classes together and the same goes to those whom I came across while I was working on the song. I am thankful and satisfied that the song is released.
:: Credit
Track No.1 With This Song(Kor.)
Track No.2 With This Song(Eng.)
Track No.3 With This Song(Inst.)
작사자: Salt
작곡자: Salt
Vocal Directing: 은초(Eun-Cho)
Vocal: Salt
Midi Arrangement: Salt
Mixing, mastering: 나무(Tree)
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